University Bulletins
Fisk University
All institution-wide policies and procedures guiding the academic programs offered through the Fisk University are available in one of two places: (1) the official student handbook (2) in the University Bulletin.
The University Bulletin provides important information on student government, academic and student support services, technology support services, available health services, financial aid, emergency procedures, institution-wide policies and procedures of particular relevance for students, rights and responsibilities of students, the Student Code of Conduct, the judicial system governing student actions, and a summary of a variety of organizations and opportunities for students. Policies and procedures governing academic, faculty, and student affairs are available at the website provided above and are updated routinely.
Students are strongly encouraged to review the information provided in the University Bulletin, upon acceptance into Fisk University. In addition, students are encouraged to review the following policies as they directly relate to the successful progression and completion of the degree programs offered at Fisk University.
If you are looking for an older University Bulletin, which is not posted here, please contact the Office of the Registrar,
Current University Bulletins
Archived University Bulletins
All of the University Bulletins are collectively assembled by various Offices around the Fisk University Campus. The Process of developing these Important documents is overseen by the University Provost. If you do not see the bulletin that encompasses the years you are looking for please contact the Office of the Registrar.
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin
2019-2020 University Bulletin Addendum
2019-2020 Undergraduate University Bulletin
2019-2020 Graduate University Bulletin
2018-2020 University Bulletin
2016-2018 University Bulletin
2014-2016 University Bulletin
2012-2014 University Bulletin
2010-2012 University Bulletin
2008-2010 University Bulletin

When people say "Fisk chooses you", I did not want to believe them, but it TRUE!
We are Fisk.
Once I stepped foot on this campus, it was something about it that draws you in and makes you feel that you are destined for greatness. Fisk not only gets you ready for the professional world but, socially as well. Being around my fellow Fiskites from around the globe is an unreal experience.